2017-04-02 Fishville / United States

City: Fishville / Louisiana United States
Date: 02.04.2017
Time: 15:52 +/- 1 min
Land use: Land
Intensity: EF2
Type: Tornado

A very large mile-wide wedge tornado hit the communities of Belah and Trout, causing considerable damage. Widespread damage occurred in Belah, with damage to the roofs of homes and a school building. Outbuildings were damaged or destroyed, many were trees blown over onto structures and vehicles, a metal truss tower was toppled over, and several power poles broken into multiple pieces in the Belah area as well. In Trout, homes and trees sustained damage, while a boat business collapsed. Large swaths of heavily forested areas were completely flattened along the path, with every tree in the path snapped or uprooted in some areas.

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